Saturday, April 16, 2011

Integrating Technology into an Interdisciplinary Math and Science Project

This website shows an example of a science experiement we will be conducting in class. Also available on this website is examples of how technology can be integrated into this experiement.

My View on Integrating Technology

I believe in integrating technology in the classroom is a vital component in education today. Today's jobs rely more and more on technology, therefore, I believe students need to learn how to use the technologies as early as possible and effectively. When I was in school we did not have as many different types of technologies available to our classrooms as there are today. In the classrooms we had only one computer and an overhead projector. Today you have things ranging from web cams to broadcast you teaching online, promethium boards, lap top computers, blogs and webpages, and numerous others. These technologies have helped to raise test score in schools because the students are not bored. They can interact with each other and find learning to be fun.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Bloom's Taxonomy in the Digital Age

This picture represents Bloom's Taxonomy model that is well known by teachers, but is shows what online tools can help to advances these areas of skills. I am including one websites that go further into this model:

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Integrating Technology in the Classroom


Welcome students and parents! This blog is to show how I plan on integrating technology into our classroom this year. We will be using different types of technologies to study and learn about science. As we go through the year we will be working on lab assignments that will require students to work in groups and individually to research, complete assignments, and present them to the class using various technologies that are available to them.
This blog was also created to post students assignments when they have to miss class so they can be prepared for the next class session they attend. I will daily post what was done that day and what assignments are to be turned in the following day. I will also have a tenative outline available for parents and students to view upcoming events and due dates. Parents and students will be able to contact directly through this website.